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2004 Kerrville Wine & Music Festival
Quiet Valley Ranch - Kerrville, Texas


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Performing Artists:

* Adam and Kris * Susan Gibson and Fans * Joel Rafael
* Caroline Aiken and Fans * John Ims * The Resentments
* Convict Hill Gang and Fans * McKay Brothers * Los Texmaniacs
* AJ Croce * Abra Moore * Josh White Jr. and Friends
* Grey DeLisle * Pierce Pettis * Kevin Welch w/ Dustin
   and Savannah Welch
* David Garza * Freebo and Jim Photoglo
* Miss Nessie and the
   Earfood Gospel Orchestra
* Chuck Pyle  

o Other:

- Wine Seminar: Texas Reds and Bissinger's Chocolate
- Everything Else: Fans-Dalis-Susan-Stuart-Rod-Kids-Pokie & Gumby

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All Images © 2001 - 2004 Jim Dirden
All Rights Reserved - Reproduction Prohibited