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2003 Kerrville Wine & Music Festival
Quiet Valley Ranch - Kerrville, Texas


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Performing Artists:

* Michael Austin * Michael Fracasso * Katy Moffatt
* The Bluehouse * Steven Fromholz * Ian Moore
* Colin Brooks * Nathan Hamilton * Newfolk In The Round
* Bett Butler * Lowen & Navarro * Willis Alan Ramsey
* Jonathan Byrd * Bob Malone * Root 1
* Jonathan Byrd & Colin Brooks * Scott McCarley * Amilia Spicer
* Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart * Frankie J. Meyer * Abi Tapia
* Cliff Eberhardt * Kim Miller * Alex Whitmore

o Other: Dedication of the Kennedy Outdoor Theater - Dalis 

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All Images © 2001 - 2003 Jim Dirden
All Rights Reserved - Reproduction Prohibited